The poor hummingbird looks disappointed that there is no nectar in the feeder. I keep my hummingbird and oriole feeders full with nectar from this site They have everything I need for my birds :).
Uncommon Finds
I haven’t seen any great rarities lately, but here are a few species that
are encountered rarely enough to make them interesting. Western Meadowlarks
are s...
Please help with Buddy's hospital bills
Hello, friends,
I haven't given you much to read since I relocated to the Great Lakes
region, but I need to ask for your help again. I'm facing nearly...
* Spring Blossoms!* So far this spring we have found two blossoming plants
in our yard. The first was
this very beautiful *Crocus on April 5th,* found...
Not forgetting the squirrel
I forgot the squirrel! How could I do that? It was the best nature sight
of the year.
We walked around sparse heath woodland south of Boulogne, in an ar...
wisata air di obyek mata air cokro
Pariwisata objek Cokro Springs adalah salah satu obyek wisata yang akan
memanjakan Anda ketika tiba liburan? Di tempat ini kita dapat menikmati
keindahan a...
Fog initially shrouded the area this morning, but once it cleared I was
able to enjoy the warm sunny conditions that prevailed for the rest of the
6 hour f...
Florida Scrub-jay
[image: Florida Scrub-jay]
The Florida Scrub-jay is a rather unique bird. This member of the Corvidae
family is found only in central Florida. It is the on...
Hermit Warbler in Western Oregon
This bird was singing continuously this afternoon in the fir forest west of
Willamina, Oregon. It seemed to be the only one present, although
Happy New Year..
Happy New Year and all that...
Here are a few things I've been getting up to in the last couple of months,
which really isn't a lot thanks to exams!
Barn Owl Box ready
The Barn Owl box went up in late Spring and unfortunately nothing used it
this year. I'm hoping that at the very least a Screech Owl will use it
next yea...
Bumble Bees of North America – An Identification Guide by Williams, Thorp,
Richardson & Colla from Princeton University Press I just got my hands a
Just seeing if this still works
Here's a bird we've been very excited about recently--a Bullock's
Oriole--normally a western bird. It's been enjoying Welch's grape jelly
along with four ...
New Product!
Most of you know, we (Seth and Michelle) own and operate NePo Suet Company
here in Portland, OR. We just wanted to let everyone know that we have a
new pr...
Getting back into the groove (?)
As summer draws to a close, I find that I haven't taken very many pictures
during this hot, humid, crazy season. I still have quite a backlog from
Short-toed treecreeper!
Finally, after quite a few walks in the neighbourhood, eyes and ears wide
open... we have seen what we think was a short-toed treecreeper
Who Am I ???
Any idea who will pop out of this cocoon? It spent about an hour yesterday
creeping along the deck. I suppose there was something of nutritional value
We've moved!
One week ago, Sarah and I closed on our new house and moved out of our
apartment. This weekend, we moved into our new house with a lot of help
from family...
So sweet.
The poor hummingbird looks disappointed that there is no nectar in the feeder. I keep my hummingbird and oriole feeders full with nectar from this site
They have everything I need for my birds :).
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