Yesterday afternoon we payed a short visit to Koll wetlands. As soon as we got out of the car and walked to the edge of the pond there was a red-tailed hawk that swooped down in a mudflat near a killdeer. When he saw us the hawk took flight. We were worried he grabbed one of the killdeer but he ended up only getting a talon full of weeds. Although he only got plants the killdeer were calling rapidly to one another; "Killdeer, Killdeer". They were calling to each other the whole time we were there. Since the killdeer were disoriented I was able to get a rare up close encounter with the bird!
Bird list for the visit:
- Killdeer
- Red-tailed hawk
- Canvasback
- Bufflehead
- Western Canada goose
- Cackling goose
- Norther pintail
- American wigeon
- Gadwall
- Mallard
- Great-blue heron
- American coot
- Ruddy duck
- Ring-necked duck
- Greater scaup
- Lesser scaup
- Green-winged teal
- Cinnamon teal
- Northern shoveler
- Eurasian wigeon
- Wilson's snipe
- Short-billed dowitcher
- Tree swallow
- Violet-green swallow
Have a great weekend!
funny coments Mike. Hope your doing well, Love Mom
Nice pics. Connor. Sounds like you had a fun day!
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