Sorry for the lack of posting lately.
I just thought you might enjoy seeing this mallard duckling accompanied by it's parents!
Bird list for the short birding trip,
- Mallard
- Ruddy duck
- Bufflehead
- Green-winged teal
- Cinnamon teal
- Western Canada goose
- Cackling goose
- Marsh wren
- Song sparrow
- Killdeer
- American robin
- Great-blue heron
- Short-billed dowitcher
- Wilson's snipe
- Canvasback
- Lesser scaup
- Greater scaup
- American coot
- Bewick's wren
- Violet-green swallow
- Tree swallow
- Gadwall
- Yellow-rumped warbler
- Black capped chickadee
- Golden-crowned sparrow
- Northern shoveler
- Bushtit
- European starling
- Red-winged blackbird
- American crow
- Western scrub jay
- Northern flicker
- Pied-billed grebe
- Ring-necked duck
- Spotted towhee
- American goldfinch
- Lesser goldfinch
- Mourning dove
- House finch
- English house sparrow
- Dark-eyed junco
- Ruby-crowned kinglet
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