Friday, November 26, 2010


On a small birding trip to Koll center wetlands it seemed strange for the water to be so low considering the rain over the last few weeks and the snow melt. Does anybody know why the wetlands are like this?

These are some bald eagles flying around in Greenway park.

Have a good weekend everybody!


Heather said...

We'd been wondering the same thing. There's some good information on this blog -

The short answer: Beavers!

Rob said...

According to the park biologist/ranger, beavers and otters--unable to get through the weir that restricts lake outflow and is used to manage water levels--have been digging a channel around it, threatening to collapse the lake. Also, they wanted more mudflats for birds (check blogspot StickyStuffStew or some pics). Invasive turles may have been an issue as well.

Now: when do the herons nest by the lake?