Saturday, December 20, 2008

Raptor Quiz answer, Snowy Squirrels and of course, birds.

The answer to the Raptor quiz is....... RED TAILED HAWK! :-)

Snow snow and more snow. It just keeps coming down!

This is what we woke up to this morning.

Meet "Stanley"! our largest Squirrel.

"Stanley" again.

A Bewick's Wren on our patio.

The Park is still covered in snow.


NW Nature Nut said...

I guessed right! Do I win a prize?;)
We opened the shop today and lots of people were out buying birdseed. It brings in a lot of people who have never fed birds or don't normally notice the birds. It's nice to introduce new people to a fun hobby.
Stanley looks like he is cooking up some sort of diobolical plan in the enlarged photo. Knowing how squirrels are, I bet he is! Ha ha!
Enjoy the snow. I have tomorrow off from work and I only have the one day to do my feeder watch so I plan to watch the birds and snow all day tomorrow. Fun!

Mary said...

Stanley needs to meet my squirrel! He's very cute and I love the photo of him standing there :-)